Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Annika in Italy

Greetings from Italy, Udine!

It`s a wonderful place, cause in Italy you really have everything! Best food, very good music, famous artists, fashion, good weather and above all very friendly people. Im very lucky to be here and to have possibilty to enjoy all these things Italy has to offer!

It is my second time with Erasmus in Italy, my first time was a year ago from may to august. The first time here I made my practice: pediatrics, surgical and internal medicine. It was my first expierence to be in the hospital away from Estonia. So now Im at the same place after one year. It feels very good to be back, cause the first experience really made me a bigger person, more confident and also more curious, more than before, I want to try new things in life… And also I cannot forget the people I met here, the social baggage you got for being an Erasmus student is priceless… So I recommend warmly!
And another what is very important in choosing the place where you are planning to make your Erasmus experience, is to choose a place with a very different culture from your own country… For me it was rule number one, cause despite learning and professional skills, Erasmus is also a good possibility to learn other culture and people. It really gives a lot for your personality and it helps you understand other people more in the future.

The reason why Im here this time, is my diploma-thesis. Im writing about eating disorders among young athletes. Here I have total access to medical journals and to library, and if it possible, maybe I can also visit some eating disorders centers here. .. Hopefully I can:)

Today on my way to school I felt very good, despite the fact that Im far away from home, it still feels little bit like home. All the familiar places and even the smell of this city is familiar… Only Im little bit different and able to see things I wasn`t able to see before…
My first days here in Udine, I feel very good, hopefully I don`t loose this feeling…

Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome words from Erasmus coordinators

Welcome to Tartu Health Care College blog. Its my pleasure to start blog in the name on Erasmus coordinators. I hope we all, students who are doing at the moment their practise in our college and student who are planning to come to Tartu in the near future will have fun writing and reading the blog.

If you are eager to find out more possibilities doing practise in Tartu Health Care College contact us: or

Danel Jantra
Erasmus coordinator

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy new year!

Finally it's here - our very own blog! Tartu Health Care College welcomes all our incoming Erasmus students and international guests! We encourage you to blog and share your thoughts about our college, people and places. Have fun!