Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We have been back in Estonia more than two weeks now and living our normal life again. It is good to be back to see our families and friends but at the same time we miss our Bulgarian life. Unbelieveble, how fast time flies, especially if you're spending good time:) And our last Erasmus month was more than good, it was perfect!

When we finished our last practise, there was time for travelling, oh, and we visited a lot of countries: Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and also went to the Black Sea. During these trips we met a lot of friendly people, tried best Balkan food and learned how wrong prejudications sometimes can be. Lot of people warned us not to visit some of these countires, even if they weren't visited these by themselves. Maybe we were lucky, but we have only good and funny memories about these trips.

But as they say that one picture can say more than thousand words and we
have more than one picture;)

Kairit, Merit ja Astrid

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