Monday, July 9, 2012

Tere Eesti!!!

Three months in Germany is for this time over. The  time passed by quicker then I ever would have thought. From Germany I took with me only good memories. I met so many awesome friends from different countries: Turkey, Poland, Latvia, Jordania, Kamerun, Ireland, Hungary, Korea, China. Even if the hospital system in Germany is different then in Estonia I can say I had a very good practice time there.

After  arriving home  I felt very mixed feelings, happy to be back , to see my family, sad to leave my new friends. It was strange to hear Estonian around me, here and there I started to answer in german, even right now I use many German words when I speak to somebody. This opportunity, what Erasmus gave me made me more self-confident and helped me made some decisions for my future.

If somebody would ask me if I would go again then I wouldn´t think even a sec- I would say YES. Don´t miss this awesome opportunity to see new country, to meet new friends. Just grab hold of this change!!!

I will now enjoy my time in Estonia, travel and make new friends. In august back to college to give my best in my last semester.


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