Sunday, April 3, 2011


So, its our 3rd week here in Portugal. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. Its kinda like Estonian summer right now. (at its best;))
On Friday we finished our first practice at a private clinic- Espaco Diagnostico. All three of us were there. It was a very small and rather old clinic. We managed to get our first impression on how physical therapy is done here in Portugal. Starting from tomorrow, Dagmar and I will be going to the clinic of police department and Mihkel is going to the hospital of onkology. So its going to be interesting.
Otherwise life here is ...well life. Every week we have to lessons of portugese. Which of course doesnt mean were able to speak yet, only in the store.:D
But the city and the surroundings are really beautiful. There is lots to see and do.
I`ll just post some pictures I took on Friday, when we went to the beach in Cascais, after practice.

A small beach in Cascais, near the dock.

Cascais is about 30 km from Lisbon. Here is a typical portuguese view.


These were estonians who we accidentely bumped into on the train back from Cascais. The world is small, or its just nice to think that sometimes and say- Tere.

Bom dia, boa tarde or boa noite! Whenever youre reading this.

Ave, Dagmar & Mihkel

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