Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hello darlings!

Three months in Jurmala are over for now. It was great and unforgettable time, where we have got a lot of new friends, have experienced ourself, saw a new country, got a lot of good emotions. Of course, the last day was quite hard, because of farewells and tears, with that not long time we had got used to this place and people. Three last days in that college was held graduation, many of our friends were finished their learning, we had congratulated them. 
 With some girls after graduation.

Celebration of graduation after official part.

In last days we had met so many good people, also, every year in June there is the opening of the season, it means many people on the beach, loud music, dancing and so one. Last days were the best :)))
As you can see the beach in not only for taking a sun :))

In a large tent with music and guys :))

Our first day in Jurmala and last day...hmm, the difference is big :D

Last night and last sunset in this wonderful place.

I took sand in the bottle from Jurmala for a memory, now this bottle is on the window in my room in Tartu.

Together with Viktoria :))

So, It was really wonderful and unforgettable time in Jurmala. I'm happy, that I get with Erasmus in that place and I believe that every country have its own fantastic places, beautiful nature, funny and helpful people. I'm sure that I will come in Jurmala one day just for a visit friends here. If you ever have a chance to go with Erasmus in some country, it does not matter which country it will be, don't think, grab this opportunity and try to get there, because this time is really unforgettable and great, to try yourself and to get new experiences. 

With best wishes,
Svetlana BA III and Viktoria Õ II

Monday, July 9, 2012

Tere Eesti!!!

Three months in Germany is for this time over. The  time passed by quicker then I ever would have thought. From Germany I took with me only good memories. I met so many awesome friends from different countries: Turkey, Poland, Latvia, Jordania, Kamerun, Ireland, Hungary, Korea, China. Even if the hospital system in Germany is different then in Estonia I can say I had a very good practice time there.

After  arriving home  I felt very mixed feelings, happy to be back , to see my family, sad to leave my new friends. It was strange to hear Estonian around me, here and there I started to answer in german, even right now I use many German words when I speak to somebody. This opportunity, what Erasmus gave me made me more self-confident and helped me made some decisions for my future.

If somebody would ask me if I would go again then I wouldn´t think even a sec- I would say YES. Don´t miss this awesome opportunity to see new country, to meet new friends. Just grab hold of this change!!!

I will now enjoy my time in Estonia, travel and make new friends. In august back to college to give my best in my last semester.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hallo wieder!

My second practic in Intensive care station is over. Im satisfied with my time there. In the time when I was there I could do many protcedures. In some days when there was only few patients I went to other stations to help out.  Here are some pictures of the station:

In my last day at practice I got  a call from my hospital coordinator, she asked if I agree to show the new practicant clothing in a project presentation,  of course I agreed. It was again a fun experience (later will post a pic of the new clothing). Also I could be a simulation patsient in Exam. It was very interesting to see how the exam are held in Hochschule Fulda. When the protcedure was made on the doll I was the one who asked the questions. And also the students who got the ticket 1 or 3 had to teach me a breathing exercise or give me information before the  operation. Again a great experience! Here picture of the practice room: 

Have a nice week!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Até logo, Lisboa!

Olen juba paar nädalat tagasi Eestis, kuid mälestus Lissabonist on veel minuga. Need olid kolm võrratut kuud, mille jooksul õppisin tundma uut kultuuri ja keelt, uusi vahvaid inimesi ning samuti said mu erialased oskused ning teoreetilised teadmised märkimisväärset täiendust. Soovitan kõigil, kel vähegi soovi ning võimalust on, minna Erasmusega välismaale õppima või praktikale. See kogemus on muutnud mind tugevamaks, iseseisvamaks, targemaks, sõbralikumaks, avatumaks, abivalmimaks, uudishimulikumaks... See loetelu on pea lõputu!

Praktikatega jäin rahule. Füüsikalise ravi praktika Benfica spordiklubis ei olnud siiski nii sisutihe, kui olin lootnud, kuid  lihasskeletisüsteemi praktika  Fernando Fonseca haiglas Amadoras oli seevastu äärmiselt õpetlik ja huvitav. Kogusin palju uusi teadmisi nii teoreetilises kui praktilises vallas. Ilmselt soovin isegi kunagi töötada ortopeediliste patsientidega.

Jällenägemiseni, Portugal!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hey Hey

Today I would like to tell you a little about my trip to München.

In weekends there is a possibility to get a 16 euro ticket to München you only need 5 good friends and power to be up 24 hours. Next to practice wasn´t so easy to find free time for traveling but I couldn´t stop myself to go to  this crazy trip. The trip contained (there and back) 10 train changes and 24 h without normal sleep, but I and my friends where hard to get down, we enjoyed every moment of this trip. We saw Münchens beautiful buildings, gardens and we got to know this citys nightlife.

Here are very good opportunities to travel by train to other citys of Germany or other countries near Germany, you just need to grab hold of the chances. I gathered experiances from my practices  and expanded my horizons by exploring the country when ever I could. So happy that Erasmus gave me this awesome opportunity. When you are still not sure if to make your practice in other country then don´t, this small adventure can change your life :D


When you visit München then its a Must to go to the BMW Museum. A real goody for car fans (there is something for bike fans too ;)).

Alles Gute!
Sigrit Õ3