Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hallo wieder!

My second practic in Intensive care station is over. Im satisfied with my time there. In the time when I was there I could do many protcedures. In some days when there was only few patients I went to other stations to help out.  Here are some pictures of the station:

In my last day at practice I got  a call from my hospital coordinator, she asked if I agree to show the new practicant clothing in a project presentation,  of course I agreed. It was again a fun experience (later will post a pic of the new clothing). Also I could be a simulation patsient in Exam. It was very interesting to see how the exam are held in Hochschule Fulda. When the protcedure was made on the doll I was the one who asked the questions. And also the students who got the ticket 1 or 3 had to teach me a breathing exercise or give me information before the  operation. Again a great experience! Here picture of the practice room: 

Have a nice week!!!

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