Thursday, November 12, 2009

Annika in Italy


Hey everybody!
It has been a long time since I wrote about my life here. Time is flying very fast here and I like it, cause there is no possibilty to feel bored! Last week my friend invited me for a launch with his family. It was very nice experience, food was typical from Italy – pasta with tomatoes and ofcourse – cheese. There was a lot of food, so that day, I did`nt want to eat dinner… And ofcourse after launch his father offered me grappa, different grappas.. Im not very big fan of strong alcohol, but I took a bit, just for the taste. Here in Italy they drink grappa after eating, just a little bit for digestion. And during the launch they also asked what we are eating Estonia and what we are drinking. For them it`s very strange that estonians and people from northern countries in general drink a lot of strong alcohol, like vodka… They told me, that it`s probably becasue of the cold weather.

It`s good that weather here is warm, 15 degrees in the day, so it`s perfect for me, I can jogg in the park and don`t have to wear heavy clothes and boots. So probably, when I go home on the 15 of december I`ll have a weather-shock.

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