Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back to Portugal...an returning to Tallinn :)

Hi again!

Last week we made another trip, but this time to our country. We left Tallinn with 5degrees and went by ferry to Helsinki in a very troubled trip because the weather was unstable.
We arrived to Helsinki in the morning and spent all day visiting the beautiful squares, streets and buildings and in the evening we met our portuguese friends, Chico and HorĂ¡cio that are in Erasmus too.
After 5 hours flying we arrived to Portugal and although it wasn’t sunny, the weather was warmer than in Estonia and Finland. We left our luggage at home and went to Bairro Alto, one part of Lisbon that is really good to meet all friends and have a lot of fun.
We had been with our parents that cooked us the typical Portuguese food and have drunk lots of coffee, things that we missed a lot in this two months. In the last day there, we went to Coimbra, the student’s city, where was a big students party. It’s call “Latada” and lasts 3 days. We watched some concerts from nacional and international singers, sang and danced all night. One part of this party is a really funny procession of students with some costumes that we had opportunity to saw.
In the return we brought some typical food in the luggage and in the first night in Tallinn we made a Portuguese dinner with our friends. We made a codfish dish which they really liked.
We can´t forget mentioning the Halloween night in the last weekend. We went to Olde Hansa, a medieval restaurant in the Old Town, and when we were having dinner we saw many people in Town Hall square with scary costumes , make up and crazy expressions. Was really different from what we are used to because in Portugal we don’t celebrate to much this date.
After dinner we went to a Halloween’s party in a friend’s house and the decoration included a head and a heart of a pig, some paintings with “blood” in the walls and off course the characteristic pumpkins.
Yesterday we came back to the practices in the Hospital and in the morning we received a good news: Our Coordinators accepted our proposal and we will have the Conventional Radiology practices in Tallinn, so it means that we will be in the capital until the beginning of January, thing that make us really happy, because we are enjoying very much being here.


Dri and Mimi

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