Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Selam arkadaşlar! (Hei friends)

Meanwhile a lot of thing have happened, but things are going really good! We have finished our 2nd practice and now doing the last one. Annmari is now in neurology and Mari-Liis in Cardiology department. We have seen some interesting operations, for example I(Annmari) could watch brain surgery which lasted for 6hours! My second practice was in Plastical Surgery department and Mari-Liis did it in General Surgery department, which was really educating.
The weather is more than good, our bodies are burned despite of the fact that we are using sun protection moisturizer. Last week we went to Cypros and that trip was excellent! We went there by ferry and came back to Adana by plane, suprisingly plane was even cheaper that ferry and all together we spended only ~180TL, have to notice that first night we slept in Bangaloo for which we did not pay and only one night passed sleeping on the was freezing but luckily the sun kissed us in early morning and we had a lovely breakfast with our new Cypros friends.
On 14-15 May all the Erasmus people are going to Cappadoccia and including us:)

Take care!

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