Monday, June 6, 2011

The last from Lisboa

One week and then we`ll go home. Such a short but rather fulfilling experience. We finished our practice last week and had to to a powerpoint presentation in the school here. After presenting our case studies, the head of the physical therapy department asked us questions about our time here. Are we satisfied? Did we learned something new?
Satisfied..definitely! Sure there are things which could have been better, but experience like this shadows all the `could have beens`in the sentence. Learned...Yes, quite much actually, and not just during our practice, also in everyday life. And isnt life just about learning and exeperienceing? That is what this time here really was for us.
So now we have some time to rest and just enjoy our time in one of the best places in the world- Lisbon, Portugal.

Atè logo!

Ave, Dagmar & Mihkel (FT2)

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