Saturday, March 17, 2012

Georg in Finland

Hello everybody!

I finally found some time to sit down and write a post.

Anyway, the week has been very busy - I have to start my practice at 8 o'clock and the days i have are usually 8 or even 8,5hours long. So if i train or run after that, there isn't too much time left (considering i also usually prepare a meal to pack with me to practise).

Even though the place I'm currently practising in, has a place to eat for a very good price (2,70 euros for students), the days are usually very active and i get hungry quite fast.

At the moment and in the near future my practise is focused on elderly gym groups (with various diseases), an aqua-aerobics class and a gym group for men. Also some break-time exercising: this is a service for the workers of the school and it's usually 15-20 minutes of various exercises to prevent work-related illnesses.

I even had an opportunity to go to a party with the students of the I and II course, so I have felt very velcome.

The guidance and supervision is very well managed in order to prevent mistakes and to keep an eye on the process of learning.

Anyway, all the best and I'll try to update soon.

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