Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Greetings from Finland

Hello everyone and greetings from the not-very-far away country Finland!
I am Georg, student of physical therapy and i'm in JAMK and Jyväskylä's central hospital to do my practise session, which is basically 3 months.
But first things first!

The "voyage" to Jyväskylä was very pleasant and convenient, not to mention high-tech. For those, who are addicted to the internet, there is internet on the boat and on the super-comfortable 2-storied train as well. The train trip was a bit under 4 hours, but time flew, as the picturesque landscapes with rolling hills and little patches of forests flew by.
At first it all seemed a bit confusing. Luckily my "buddy" (a student assigned to help and guide me a little) was there to meet me and he had even collected my student apartment's key and took me to it. He had with him a folder with school papers and another one with housing papers and transport information, maps and such. So that part was very convenient.

The student apartments usually have separate rooms (3-4) and a common kitchen area.

Pictured: the student flat house

I happened to stay with students from Nigeria and Holland. Both really helpful and cool people.
Anyway, the first day and half of the secont was mostly doing the compulsory stuff - doing and checking paperwork, looking for offices and such.

Pictured: view from the window

For those who are really interested, you can also use google street wiew by pressing HERE!
On the right you see a square with a map, click on the map and zoom in on the A, by scrolling with the mouse, until it turns to the street view!

Me and a girl from the 3rd course concluded the day by having a pizza, which we shared and which cost us 3.25 euros each. Not too bad!
The school has a cafeteria or call it what you like, and offers a swedish table type of serving - you get to choose what you eat and how much, plus salads. With a student ticket its usually 2.70 euros. The school has at least two of those diners.

Anyway the practical part in the schools healt-care unit or physical therapy center lasts 8hours a day and has a very unique system. It offers services to different social groups which are for instance group training sessions for women, gym training for elderly or men, or even personal training. The system is at least 10 years old and even doctors send their patients there to participate in the groups! And the groups are very succesful! You should see those elderly people work out!

Anyway, it's really interesting to be here and i'll leave something for the next time too! Stay tuned for more!

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