Friday, June 15, 2012

Germany 2.

I am really sorry that I haven't written so long, because I had crazy scedule in the hospital and the weather was good, so it was quite hard to sit behind the computer. Still I will tell everything how I have been.

The first practice in the internal diseases department was full of new things and I met really nice colleges and patients. There was not so much to study about nursing procedures, but more about how they are taking care of the patients. They are well organized and they pay attention to the whole treatment. Communication was in the first place always.

 They have lot of work, because without helpers lot of time took washing and bringing patients to diagnostical procedures. They were really happy that they had trainees to help them. We had to respond to all of the alarms what patients did and they had more time to fill the documentation. Mostly there was only trainee in one time and thats why I got quite lot to there.

The weather was nice- the sun was shining and it was even 25 dagrees warm. We spended lot of time travelling and enjoing  Germany nature. My german had emproved and I could explain almost everything to patients. Communicating with colleges was little bit harder  because they were speaking faster and using more difficult words. But they still told that it all takes time because german is not the easyest language.

Soon I will write new post!

Bis bald,

Liisi Põldots
Õde 2

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