Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Shout-outs from Balkans! It is unbelievable that we have been in Bulgaria for 5 weeks already. Feels like just yesterday we arrived.
I guess the right way for estonians to start their blog is to talk about weather. Okay, it’s quite amazing. It hasn’t been too hot yet and of course the locals are still wearing jackets that a stereotypical estonian wears in the winter, but the weather forecast for may looks promising even for the locals. The temperatures will get up to 30 degrees, perfect.
Life in Bulgaria is very different from Estonia, especially when it comes to medicine. It’s definitely a good experience for us to see the life in Bulgarian hospitals. We live in Plovdiv, which is the second-largest city in Bulgaria after the capital Sofia. Plovdiv is definitely worth a visit, because it’s one of the oldest cities in Europe and is surrounded by beautiful mountains.  
We are staying in student’s dormitory which in general looks nice, the only downside is that there are no kitchens. Only a room with a toilet and a bathroom. But it’s very cheap so we don’t feel very bad about it.
This week we are going to visit Istanbul with other Erasmus students. Stay tuned!

Teele Naar Õ2
Jaan Luts FT2

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