Sunday, February 13, 2011


We are Irina and Margit. We have been here 2 weeks. Those 2 weeks have been very interesting and busy ones. Maybe even too busy. First week we had lots and lots and LOTS of information...all papers and signatures and tours. We are studyin at TAMK (Tampere ammatikorkeakoulu :) ) and we are doing here our radiology technician practice. Starting from last monday we were at practice fisrt time...our finnish is begginners one and it was very hard to us.
My firt locaton was thorax x-ray (children and adults). Cause i needed to comminuicate with patients my fist day was..writing :) i wrote all sentences that i needed to communicate with patients in that apartment. Next morning i had to take my first picture. That was voice was shivering and i mixed some words. But it worked! The patient understood me :) What else can you wish!
Irina`s first week was in MRI. Cause this place is a pit more complicated (the examinations are more specific) in first we she did`nt communicated with patients..but she had a really good language practice and theory practice. She helped the workers as much she could and enjoyed learnin the new machines.
Life here is..cold right now. Really cold. But we are used to it.

We have selected also Finnish course. It is twice a week and we love to go there cause there we can meet other exchange students. And there are stundents from many different places. Spain, Frace, Kenia and so on. Everybody are enjoying the snow and so we try to do it also :)

Today is sunday and we are preparing ourselves menatly for tomorrow..we continue next week in the same places but we are much more smarter than last week. Everybody in the hospital are very friendly and patients. Nobody look you like "what are you doing here you are disturbing me". Thats makes you feel so good when you are going there in the morning!

So..thumbs up for monday and now we start to prepare our Valentine`S day cake..cause this day is tomorrow and then when we are eating that cake..we are thinking about friends back home...and the new ones who we find here :)

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