Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jyväskylä is still cold and snowy


I have already finished my massage practical training and also my neurological practical training in Kinkomaa hospital (on the picture) is heading towards end. I have also managed to learn some Finnish, because one of my patients didn't speak English at all, so I had to speak Finnish to him - it was hard, but I liked it.

But there were some problems with my children's practical training. I came here in knowing that I can do 3 practical trainings here, but as it turned out they were unable to find me a place for children's training. After some negotiations I still managed to get 2 weeks of children's training in a private practice.

Otherwise it is good in here. I have new flatmates now and one of them is a finnish girl. She is really nice and we have so much fun together.
I have visited Helsinki for a weekend and gone to ice-skating on the lake in the city of Jyväskylä. Finland is actually very beautiful in Winter time :)

Mari, FT III

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