Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hey :)

Irina and Margit again here :)
Now its our second practice`s first week (third day ended today)...Im in CT and Irina is in Acuta (emergency x-ray and CT).
Monday morning..was again like first day..we were so nervous cause its was our new week in new place with new people and NEW VOCABULARY! I quess we were worried most about the last one. We meet the Mirja (i like to call her "head lady" :) ) 8.30 in the morning and we are trying to "push" our Finnish as much as possible to get directions where we must go and how we get worked and finally when we were out of words we just used the new week started

Irina is very happy in much new situations and people who need first aid. She was very excited yesterday when the workers told that in 5 minutes there is going to be a car crash patients and they need to be ready. It was a whole new experience. Today she was doing already the examinations and she is so happy that i can see it from my room already :)

My week has not been so good (at least those three days). Im angry about myself that i dont know how to express myself. For me the machines are all new and not familiar ones. Still i have so many helfup people around me and i have seen also some new things that i have even seen before. And i already know that tomorrow is going to be more of those examinations. So im excited and a bit afraid also. But i hope it gets better.

We learn finnish every evening. Like really...every evening..i would never thought that i will learn something so much and all the time. We dont like the fact that we dont undrestand whats going on around us.

The days are getting longer...we can see that when we wait the bus in the morning and evening. Its not dark anymore. Its still cold actually. Our apartment feels already like home and we are over this "coming to new and strange place" phase :)

Tomorrow is 24th of February..big day in Estonia...practice day for us. But in the evening we will meet Andra and Henri (Estonians :) ) and we will sit together and eat some cake and celebrate that big day. But not very long...cause next morning 5.30 is wake-up call and practice starts again.

Margit & Irina

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