Sunday, March 27, 2011


Time here flies soooo quickly...we have been already 2 months and only 1 more to be here :( Right now its feels like..i wish this time will last :) least few months...
The weather here is getting better and better (actually the better and the worse are changing quite every day). But we almost can feel the spring..and for us, Estonians, the spring is something that we really need.
Our practice is going also better and better every day. The biggest achivement is that, we are ABLE to speak FINNISH in our practice. Last week we didnt use English anymore at all. For us its a big step ahead. When at the beginning every day was hard as hell (we afraid to ge to hospidal every morning)..then now...we enjoy it..and its fun :)
We both ended already our radiotherapy practice- its amazing how joyful sick people can be. And after seeing same faces two weeks..we understood why they are so happy there..because of the workers. Its THE MOST friendliest place i have ever seen. Already in the first day we could work with patients and machines. In there we saw some new things that we never seen before and also brachytherapy treatments.
One day..8th of March-->Women day :) the biggest suprise for that day..we were listening the smart talk that one doctor was telling to students about treatment(cause it was a treatment thats quite rare...was there lots of people watching it)..and 10 minutes later..this doctor comes to us and says in pure estonian langugage "happy women day to you also"..he was we were lucky and he translated this procedure that he made also for us we could understand better :) It was such a good day :)
Now we are spending our time:
Irina-Natiivi x-ray
Every day brings new suprises and makes us much more is possible??We have seen so unbelivable things. I was just watching mouth opened when they were trying to get angio stents through 2mm vessel...or how they made treatment for 1 DAY old baby..amazing.
This weekend we had "party weekend"..our families visited us and we were like real tourists, visited dolphinarium, planetarium, aquarium and other sightseengs...enjoyed kebab food and nice nature :)
Tomorrow is a moday..and new we will see what happens then :)

Margit & Irina

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