Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Nice change, after two freezing weeks. You could really feel spring outside. So what´s new? It´s hiihtoloma or ski holiday in Tampere and because at the moment I am doing my practical training at the school for disabled children, it is also holiday for me too.Yei!
To honest I haven´t skied in Tampere, but I am planing to go skating today, and yesterday me and Henri( estonian guy) did small tour around Tamperes observation towers. We did´t had so much luck, one of them was closed and wheather wasn´t the best. Also we walked on lake and visited Tampere biggest museum, called Vapriiki. It is more like museum centre, because at the same time there are several exhibitions- Ice hockey history, Toys, Tamperes history, Shoe museum etc. Three floors full of exting exhibitions, we spent there nearly 4 hours. Worth visting for everyone.
Now I know why finns are so neurotic about their keys. I quess I haven´t mentioned that I have shared kitchen, I mean really shared it´s for two floors and last friday, when I was just planing to cook myself a dinner and was totally in my own thoughts and I managed to forget my key inside and of course door was automatically locked. No keys, no telephone,great, just stucked in the hall. Fortunately I did´have to wait long someone to came and I could ask for help. In finland, when somethings happens with your key- you loose it, forget inside- you have to call Security Centre and they send help. But it´s really expensive, even for finns.One of my finnish friend checks about 5 times if she gots her keys with her, before leaving home. And then the security guy just comes and opens the door and if you don´t have 25€ in cash, they will send you a bill, and you have to pay 45,51€. Finland is´t definitely not for absent-minded people. So now I am waiting for my bill and now you know, why I don´t have any big travelling plans for my free week.

But if you leave out these small things I am still happy to be here, sun is shining, people are great and soon skating!



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