Monday, March 15, 2010

Finish in Toledo


It has been a while. But now I can say, that the Erasmus experience for me is over. The final practice, physiotherapy of children, took place in a school for disabled youngsters - Colegio de EducaciĆ³n Especial Ciudad de Toledo. All in all, it was a great practice. At first I was a bit scpetic, but soon realized that it was a very good experience with excellent tutoring and interesting people.

To say a few words about the the whole trip...I would say it was an adventure i its best meaning. Being in a new cultural environment, speaking in a foreign language, living away from home and being independent. All these factors were very important for me and I feel more confident and professional than ever ;D. To be completely honest, I would recommend going abroad to study or practice to everybody. All it takes is a little courage. It is definitely worth it.

I guess this is it for me in this blog. And for those who walk the same path as I did, I hope that your experience will be as immense as mine.

Your´s faithfully,

Ott Vanem

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