Monday, March 29, 2010

Italy, Foggia


We are doing our clinical practise in south Italy, in small city called Foggia. We arrived here on 22 February, it was quite hard to get in Foggia. We took flight from Riga to Milano, spent the night in Bergamo Airport, then we had another flight from Bergamo to Bari. In Bari we took the train to Foggia. First expression wasn’t nice and we didn’t have any place to stay.

Fortunately things changed the next day, when we met our Erasmus coordinator.

Since that day we are living in a big apartament, we also had a roommate from Slovakia, but she moved out.

The weather here is quite warm now, but it can change quickly. Soon we have big „festa“ i.e Pasqua, during that we are going to beach in the cities nearby.

Clinical practise’s start wasn’t very easy, because english isn’t a popular language here. But have italian language course with ohter Erasmus students. For the moment we can understand italian language a bit.

We had problem with duration of the clinical practise, beacause there were differences in the dates in the learning agreement. Our estonian Erasmus coordinater thought that that’s not a problem, but it was. Fortunately we were able to solve that disagreement.

We can’t use our school’s practise book beacause it is a disaster, there are many mistakes (grammar, practise duarion). So please, Danel, correct the mistakes!


Maria Küüsmaa

Jevgenia Lašmanova


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