Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hello from Toledo!

I arrived Toledo 5 days ago. It was really warm then(for me, as I came from Estonia) and sunny, yesterday we had thunder and today its cold and it has been raining since morning.
My first practice is surgery at Hospital Provincial. I haven't had any just-from-surgery-patients, but a lot of patients with lymphedema (because of the breast surgery); patients with hand surgeries. Since we don't learn lymph massage at school, it is just great I can learn it here. The physiotherapists speak more or less English, so I can understand almost everything. Sometimes it is a bit hard when they explain things in Spanish, but I can understand a bit already.
My 2 roommates can't speak English, so every evening we sit on the sofa and communicate through google translator. I think in 1 month I'll understand everything they're saying.
The old part of the town is gorgeous, the people are very friendly and everything is just perfect!


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