Sunday, March 28, 2010

I am big fan of Erasmus program

Its very interesting to read posts from our college outgoing students. I am sure that here will be now more and more offen posts from Tartu Health Care College students because there are about 20 students doing their practice ourside of Estonia with Erasmus program. As I am big fan of the program I am very happy to read our students thoughts, emotoins etc about their experiances.
Also I invite all you who read the blogs ask from writers everything you want to know about their practice, countries, citys, experiances where the posts writers are.
So my suggestion to you dear blog reader: keep on reading and asking from our college students and I am sure you will be too interested to become an Erasmus student :) in the future. . .

Best regards from Tartu Health Care College Erasmus program
coordinator and FAN of the program,
Danel Jantra

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