I am very sorry, that I haven´t written for a long time, cause my internet use is quite limited here. In any case, I have done already my radiotherapy placement and now is running my final placement in accident and emergency department.
When I had radiotherapy, then I had to go to Valletta, because Sir Boffa Hospital (oncology hospital) were there. Valletta locates in 6 km from my hostel, so I used public transport a lot J. But it takes almost an hour to get to Valletta, even if it is less then 10 km because the traffic here is insane, so you have to reserve little bit more time if you want to get in time. In oncology hospital there were very international working team from India, Netherlands, Serbia and only few maltese radiographers. But staff there were very friendly and they were very happy to see me there. The principal radiotherapist very good teacher, he explained all the time what is going on in the department and he instructed me how to position the patient and how to use remote control of the equipment. I had really good time there.
Now my two weeks I´ll spend in casualty, this is place, wher they are doing examinations for emergency patientś and also chest x-rays for the inpatient´s. Already in my first day radiographers let me to do examinations. There are no differencies in positoning the patient but equipment is different comparing with estonia. In Mater Dei hospital there are only GE equipment and this is all digital.
One day I spent in operating theatre and I saw what are radiographers doing there. I had a opportunity to observe operation of ankle and wrist, this was really interestingJ.
Weather unfortunately haven´t been very good most of the time is cloudy, however when the sun is shining it is really hot, but I am quite surprised that I have seen the rain a lot here even the locals say, that this year have been surprisingly rainy.
Silja Tammai