Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Microbiology laboratory praxis starts...

From this week we are in the microbiology laboratory. This labor is situated in a different building, that´ s why they have a lot of rooms where to work, nevertheless some of the rooms are quite narrow. There are a lot of work to do and we are lucky because of that, as we have a lot of praxis by ourselves :) After our laboratory work, we also found a time to visit market of Riga. It was incredibly big and full of fresh vegetables and fruits. We found strawberries and melon which were both really sweet and tasty :) For Friday night there was a plan to go to play bowling with Spanish and German students and of course there were also Latvian students with us. It was a great evening and we continued that night with two Spanish students on the Essential club in Riga. On Saturday we went with (Spanish) Raul, Virginia and Erika to the Majori. It´s located 40 minutes from Jurmala by walking distance. It was such a nice weather and we decided to go there by beach :) When we arrived it was such a pleasure to eat a really good ice cream and enjoy sunshine. As it was the last day for Spanish students…it was a little night organized for them where we could talk about everything what happened during their staying in Latvia. After all, Jurmala is going ever nicer and nicer day by day. It is so sad to think, that we are going to leave such a nice place on the next week.

Olesja and Mirian

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