Sunday, May 30, 2010

Practice in Jurmala

Greetings from Estonia!

As we remember, it was a wonderful and educating time in Riga and we were very glad to meet foreign medical personal and exchange experience with them. On our practice mission we had MRI, CT, Angeography, X-ray and other departments to deal with. It was very comfortable, that one of us could speak Latvian language and both of us were abble to communicate on Russian with our colleagues and teachers.

Speaking about X-RAY for children, it was interesting and difficult to study, because of patience needed there, politenes and allso careful, tolerant work. Angeography was interesting as well.
After our hard lessons and practice we were abble to visit many interesting places in Latvia. We were visiting many different, interesting places all over the Riga: Lido, aqua park, opera, cinemas and even in night club :). We were allso in Sigulda town.

We want to say BIG thank you to Danel and Aiga - our coordinators. And allso thanks to Zinaida Läänelaid for opportunity to participate in ERASMUS programm. Allso thanks to all colleagues, students and other medical personal from Estonia and Latvia.

Tatjana & Zinaida.

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