Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Greetings from Barcelona!

Now I had finished my first really nice practice in here and I am doing the second one. First department was nefrologia and vasculatoria and the second is day hospital of oncologia and hematologia. I like it, but the first practice was a little bit better, because generally I don't like day hospital. The pacients are changing all the time and the work there is quite rutine. In spite of this, the abilities what I can learn there are certainly really useful to me. The stuff are also really friendly and nice.
And this, how quickly the time is passing in here, is really incredible. I feel like I just came to here, but it was almost three months ago and now I have only three weeks left. And my cursemate Maarjo has already finished his practice in here and he left to home.
Now the weather is also really nice and warm, but fortunately not too hot yet:).
Best wishes,

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