Monday, May 10, 2010

Seven weeks in Lisbon

Today started our 7th week in Portugal. We arrived on 26nd of March after a 12 really long hours in Tallinn, Vilnius, Amsterdam and finally Lisbon. So when we finally arrived here, we were really tired, but nontheless happy. Fortunately we had our loyal tutors Claudia and Filipa waiting for us at the airport although the flight was delayed. In the beginning there was a little misunderstanding with accomodation, but it turned out fine. Anyway, our apartment is nice and beside ourselves here’s living other international students.

Within these weeks we have seen a lot of Lissabon and even south Portugal. We have met lots of new people from Portugal and also from around the world and even met some Estonians.

Weather has been really good – probably the highest temperature so far has been 32 ̊C. People are really helpful and although mostly they don’t speak english, we can always manage, even if it means explaining with hands and feet. It’s quite amazing how much time they have and there’s never any rush.

We started our practice on 29th of March. The bases are great and peaople are really helpful. We probably won’t reach all our goals, but still, we’re satisfied, cause most of the bases are places where we can’t go at home. For example, Roman was doing his practice in NAVI toxicology lab. Also we’ve seen molecular biology and at the moment in mycology lab. We are also going to local blood bank.

We were lucky to attend some local classes about PCR, but it turned out to be quite similar.

We also found our school logo in Lisbon, it’s somekind of ice-cream company logo and reversed, but still, remainds us home.

Warm greetings,

Roman, Laura, Tiina

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