I found some time again to tell you a bit about how I have been. The practice has been really great. I finished my first 5 weeks of musculoskeletal practice in the Center-Finland hospital 2 weeks ago. The practice was really good. I learned new things about surgical patients every day and it was really nice that although I didn't speak good Finnish, they didn't want me to just sit and watch- I could do a lot myself. And from the beginning, when I came here since now, my finnish has improved a lot, so I talk with the patients and my practice supervisors only in finnish :)
Now I am practicing in the Kinkomaa hospital, where there are neurological patients and it has been really interesting so far. Everybody is again very friendly, you always feel welcome and people are expecting for you. There are separate rooms for students, so you have your own kitchen and computers and so on in the hospital. For the patients there are different trainings that they can try. For example patients can try dancing, volleyball, balance training and so on- in addition to their normal physical therapy sessions. So the treatment is very diversified. Again I can do a lot myself, and it is also nice that they care a lot about your practice goals and they do everything to help, that you could achieve them.
It is also nice, that you can wear the hospital clothes and you also have your name tag with your picture- so you are like a normal worker here.