Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Malta Experience

Hi everyone!

This will be my last post here, because on this monday, I had my last hours of placements in Mater Dei Hospital and I reached the 400 hours required by University of Malta. Tomorrow I will have the documents and over it is.

But it feels like I just started, the three months have passed so quickly. In one way I am happy that this experience will end, because Estonia is waiting and I´m so looking forward to go home, but in the other way I´m sad to leave, because I really liked it here, I made some friends, I liked to work in the Imaging Department, especially in CT, I got a lot of experience etc.

Here I would like to thank everybody, who made it possible for me to go on this Erasmus exchange to Malta and also all the radiographers in Mater Dei Hospital, who were really welcoming and kind. Thanks to them I enjoyed every hour of it. Grazzi hafna!

Now I will have 8 more days here in Malta and I will make the most of it.
Sun is setting for my Malta experience

Thank you all and see you in Estonia!

What cannot be seen or heard is mysterious!

Kristjan Noormets
Blue Lagoon
St Peter´s Pool
Ramla Bay
A nice view from a cave looking over Ramla Bay
St Julians Bay

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