Saturday, June 1, 2013

Greetings from Riga


Two weeks ago we had to say goodbye to hospital Gailezers. But luckily we had very warm welcome at hospital Linezers where we are doing our last practical training in Latvia – clinical practice II. Linezers is all about oncology and we are very glad that we have chance to be there. Hospital itself has an awesome location – it’s so calm there and it’s surrounded by pine forest and when the weather is good enough patients are sunbathing on the balconies. Only fallback is that our fabulous five has been separated: some of us are in stem cell transplantation unit, some in hematology, some in surgery and anesthesiology. We also had to do presentation about Estonian education system and nursing studies to the head nurses and we did well, they were very satisfied and thought that our education system has high quality.

As the end is near we try to take the best out of Latvia. Went for a lovely picnic to Jurmala beach but oh dear, it was pouring rain when we got there. But we are not made from sugar as radiology technicians who didn’t want to join us. Anyway we had lots of fun there and today we managed to go to the beach for some sunbathing. Our trip was successful today too. Yesterday one of us had birthday party and this time Estonian boys from Jurmala honored us with their presence. We have also been to the beerfest, seen Gumball 3000 cars, had some more picnics and some more and more antics.

We have had really good time so far and we have plenty of plans for last few weeks as well. And dear readers, no worries, we’ll keep you updated.

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