Monday, April 12, 2010


Our first week in Bulduri is over. It is amazing that we have found so many friends here, who are so nice and helpful. We live quite near to the beach. There are so many kafejnica, which we are like. Our co-ordinator here, Aiga, is such a great personality, who has already help us so much. She also showed us this school complex introducing us different classrooms which were really nice and modern. On the second day we went by train to the hospital in Zasulauks (Riga), its 13 km from our dormity. For Mirian it was the first time going by train and she had chance to wish when we were driving across the bridge. :) Our praxis is in the biggest hospitals in Latvia called Paula Stradina, which is very big complex. The first praxis we have in clinical laboratory. Laboratory is quite new and laborants are so so so so nice to us. :) Also they are so good teachers….explaining us that we could understand everything what they are doing.
We have also enough spear time to meet local students here and have so much fun. We really like here and just waiting the time when it will be enough warm weather going to the beach.
Mirian and Olesja.

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