Friday, April 2, 2010

Grüβe aus Marburg

I´m doing my three months physiotherapy practice in small university city called Marburg in Germany. Yesterday was my fourth practice day in hospital. Today I have free day because of the Easter. So yeah, I have been here now one week.
It has been a bit difficult to get place to live. There is not so many free rooms available and it´s very expensive to rent a room in this city. One room in an apartment or a house costs as much as my hole two-room apartment in Estonia (250 until 300 € pro Month and even more). Right now I have room for two weeks and during this time I have to find something ceratin for next months. Fortunately my coworkers in hospital are friendly and helpful so that I have already fue offers to stay couple of days at one colleague´s house and fue weeks at another´s house. It will be fun.
I´m doing my practice in Universitätsklinikum Giessen und Marburg that is more than huge. I started from otrhopedic department where are mostly patients with knee or hip joint endoprosthesis or lower limb amputation. It has been very interesting and I learn every day new skills and many medical words in german. Sofar I haven´t done so much myself, I have more absorved other physiotherapists and hopefully from next week I will start to work alone. Looking forward. And when I will be lucky then I will get chance to look some surgeries.
And the school of physiotherapy is right in hospital, it means most of the classes are there only fue theoretical lessons are in town. So students are all the time in hospital and their practical lessons are with real patients. Isn´t it cool?!

Ok, it´s all for now. It´s too nice weather to stay home so I will go to enjoy sun

Liebe Grüβe

Mariliis FT-II

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