Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The second week in Jürmala

Last week passed for so so fast that we bearly understood that. We got to know a really nice girl from our dormitory whos name is Valentina and she was so nice showing us Riga and also the best shops and food places there. The shops variety is like everywhere in the word, there are cheaper shops and also more excpensive, like choses for everyone.
We just can´t believe how nice is our instructor is, just so helpful and lovely to us. She is showing us so many things in laboratory, we even got excursion through the hospital. And also she is so nice by bringing us chocolate and bicuits...unbelivable :) Last week came here students from Spain who are going to be in praxis with us, hope that they are going to be our new friends.
Train is a really common way as a public transport here in Riga. We are using train at least twice a day and last week buying a ticket we saw that train arrived and we were running so fast to catch this train and we made it....yess...but unfortunately it was the rong one... :) So all those little missunderstandings are actually helping us to get manage here better and better and making our life here more colourful and happier.

Visu labu :)
Olesja and Mirian BAII

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