Monday, May 28, 2012

Georg last days in Finland

Hello again!

Wow, this seems to be it. Almost 3 months over. At times I wished it would be over quicker, then I hoped it would carry on like this indefinitely..

So looking back on my time as an exchange I must really say I learned. Not just the language or how to do certain measurements, therapies, etc., for me the most important thing was to learn about myself, and why not even learn to learn.

Because physical therapy isn't just about here and now, you always have have one eye in the future and keep an open mind. And I believe I have achieved that:
I had some ideas and certain views on things before I came to Jyväskylä to practise. Here for my surprise, many of the ideas and theories were already in practise.

So it showed me I am on the right track. I think this is what an exchange should be like, thats what an exchange should give. Not just going to another country and doing the compulsory things, but seeing a different view on things, advancing from that, learning about yourself and setting future goals.

Best wishes,
always keep an open mind and keep learning, no matter how old you are, set goals and when you fulfill them, set the next ones,
Georg, FT II

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