Sunday, May 6, 2012

Warm greetings from Rimini!

The time is flying - one month ago, I had been in Italy for three days already. And there has been so much to do that I haven’t even noticed the fact that I haven’t had a chance to speak Estonian for a very long time. And when I call my family it feels very uncomfortable to speak in Estonian, I feel like I’m not making correct sentences and pronouncing words wrong =D

My first practice is quite near to the end. On Monday, 07.05 it will be my last day. I have really liked my practice. I had the chance to practice things that I tried in Estonia only a few times. The thing that I’m most happy for is the opportunity to put catheters almost every day. My tutor is really pleased with my techicues, so a big thank you goes to the teachers of Tartu Health Care College, who taught me all this! Also it has been a great challenge to work with patients who’s language I don’t speak. But together with my tutor (who speaks English) and the caregivers (who are Russian speaking people most of the time) we have managed. My next practice will be cardiological intensive care in Rimini Hospital. 

I have visited some little towns and villages near Rimini, because the train tickets are quite cheap, if you don’t want to go very far. With the Erasmus group we visited Cattolica, which was so beautiful! We went sightseeing, to the beach, had dinner in a pizzeria, danced a bit at a beach party and took the last train back home. Since the weather has been really good for quite a long time now, it is convenient to travel a bit, because you can never get cold =) 
 Me and my roommate Roxana (from Iran)
 All the Erasmus students from different places of the world
 The trip to Cattolica
And here you can see a lovely beach

All the best to you, arrivederci!

Maarja (Italy, Rimini)

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