Friday, May 31, 2013

The Malta Experience

Hello Estonia!

Because it is 23.45 here in Malta, Im posting this still in the month of May. The final countdown in Malta has started and I have 29 days left here on this big "Rock". My placements in Mater Dei Hospital will be over in two weeks and one day.Right now Im in CT and I really like it. Everybody is so friendly and they were so welcoming from the first day. In one way its good that Im nearing the end of my placements, but in the other way I would like to stay here longer.

2 slice CT and 16 slice CT
Mataer Dei Hospital
But after the placements I have walked a little around the Island and took some pictures.

Sunrise morning in Marsaskala
Sunrise morning
Vegetable and fruit truck in Marsaskala. These trucks are very common to Malta, there are a lot of these fruit cars

Fishy Fishy
Snail Cactus 
Maltese salt 
Maltese old bus. This kind of buses were driving around Malta two years ago.
Manoel Island.

Good night and see you in June!

Kristjan Noormets

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