Thursday, May 30, 2013

From Italy with love

It’s hard to believe I only have a month left to be an Erasmus student. Like they say: time goes fast when you are having good time.  It definitely has gone quickly and it definitely has been fun exploring Italy! I live in Rimini, which is an average size town with a long sandy beach. This makes it a desirable holiday destination for many Russian tourists as well for Italians themselves.  Besides being a well-known seaside resort, Rimini has one of the largest hospitals in the region.  The name of the hospital is Ospedale Infermi and this is where I spend most of my days.   

The endless sandy beach of Rimini

For the first two months I had to wake up very (very) early. It seemed like the only people up at that ungodly hour were the men who put up posters, garbage men …and me.  Thankfully this changed with the last week and the garbage men won’t see my pillow-shaped sleepy face hurrying down the empty streets no more.   Two weeks ago I also finally got the light blue uniform of a nursing student. Before that, because of a misunderstanding in the clothes storage, I was wearing a white coat meant for doctors.  Explaining (in a language I don’t speak) that I’m a student nurse while wearing a doctors’ coat did seem to puzzle some patients now and then.

Ospedale Infermi

There are quite many things I've seen in the hospital that have made me raise my eyebrows out of surprise. But there is only one thing has kept me wondering for days in continue.  Every nurse knows those spleen shaped cardboard bowls used for carrying things or for the patient to vomit in (depending on the situation).  Well, in my hospital they have a machine to wash(!) these bowls (plus other things made of cardboard). –I do approve the green thinking, but washing paper is something that just doesn't seem to fit in my little head.

 The paper washing machine that I think is using black must!

With no doubt I can say that Italy is one of a kind!  - For one thing, I couldn't imagine any Estonian doctor to slap my ass and say “Don’t worry!” when misunderstanding the patient’s wish - I thought she wanted to drink, when she really wanted her prosthetic leg…  

For now: Ciao tutti!

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