Thursday, May 9, 2013

Salo, Finland

Not far from Salo (50km) is Turku. I like this city very much, because it reminds me Estonian Tartu. Turku is University city, city of students and there is also Turku University Hospital, just like Tartu has own Ülikooli Kliinikum. Between Salo-Turku there is very good train and bus connection (even in nights), so it is good opportunity to visit Turku and have some partys there.

One place, which I really like in Turku and where I’d love to go again and again is Turku Castle. It’s built in about 13. century and has been growing quite big from the beginning. In the castle there is own small church inside, many dining rooms, king and queen rooms, prison, restaurant/cafeteria, many different exhibitions aso. Unfortunately there isn’t photographing allowed, so I couldn’t take pictures there, but I found one nice pic from internet.

Turku University Hospital
Picture from:

Turku Castle
Picture from:

Railika Õ3

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