Saturday, May 18, 2013

Greetings from Bulgaria!

Sincere apologies because I haven’t posted for a long time. Meanwhile has happened a lot of things and at the same time nothing has happened. We went to Istanbul, which was wonderful. All the culture and all these people were so much different from Estonians. I’m really happy that I decided to take part of that trip. It lasted for 4 days and and I saw all of the most popular tourist attractions in Istanbul but I wish that some day I could visit again. After the Istanbul trip we had Easters which meant free week for us. I decided to visit Black Sea for 5 days with other estonians. We were happy because the season had not yet begun and therefore we got 5 star hotel quite cheaply. The hotel was wonderful and around 50-100m away from beach. Time passed really fast but sadly I didn’t had a chance to enjoy all the sun because I’m allergic to sun. I wished that the sun over there was different but it wasn’t and I got blister. So I had to enjoy the sun from under  the umbrella. Despite of that I really liked it. Going home is one month away. It might sound unbelievable but I would really like to go home. I miss my family,my friend and the fridge. I miss the fridge because I don’t have it over here. At the moment it’s 30 degrees in here and it would be sin to write something more.
Take care and have fun. I hope it’s summer over there in Estonia.
An interesting fact – Bulgarians can’t say my name. It seems that Teele is too hard to pronounce and so I am called Teila.

 See you soon!

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